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The Season of Fertility

Summertime makes us think of vibrant, lush plants and lively animals.  The world around us is rich and fertile with new life.  For many people, fertility starts with the wish to grow their family.

At Stonington Natural Health Center, we can help you with this journey.  We love listening and observing, to make an individual plan for you.  We see the connections and interrelationships, at all the dimensions of you, physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

Licensed Acupuncturist Megan Marco, Naturopathic Doctor Craig Faullo, and Licensed Massage Therapists Rene Brinson, Tracy Rosiene, Holly Radtke, Beth Augustyniak, and Chelsea Reber Bein have advanced training, deep intuition, and profound knowledge to walk with you on this journey.

Call (860) 536.3880 to schedule. We look forward to seeing you soon!

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